Major landforms of South America

»Amazon Basin:

It is located in Amazonia. Is covered by forests, and the most important landform is Amazon River.


It is located in South America, and has most mayor rivers on the continent. The highest point is Aconcagua in Argentina, at 6,960 m.

»Atacama Desert:

Running high into the Andes of Chile. It is a cold place and rainfall is very rare.

»Brazilian Highlands:

From Brazilian state of Minas to Sao Paulo. 800 miles length. Its landscape include vaned mountain ranged. The important landforms are Serra de Mantiquera, Serra do Paranapiataba, Serra Geral and Serra do Mar.

»Guiana Highlands:

It’s located from southern Venezuela to South America. Have vast plateau deep gorges, and tropical rain forest. The highest point is Mt. Roraima on the borders of Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela (2,810 m).


Eastern and Central Colombia, Central and Southern Venezuela. It is very larger and fertile plain. The important landform Orinoco River.


It is located in the southern part of the continent in Argentina. The most important landform is the Uruguay River.


Between the Andes and the Atlantic Ocean. It is mostly ruged, has a barren land, and striking scenery. The most important landforms are Tierra de Fuego and the Strait of Magellan.

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»Sources used to write the post

Bustos, J. (2011). Social Studies Seventh Grade. Costa Rica, Cartago. Saint Clare College. Social Sciences Department.