Generalities of the Americas

u History of the name Americas: Amerigo Vespucci was the first person   who realized  that the spaniards dindn´t arrive to Asia.

Political division:
u North America:
u Greenland: Denmark
u Canada:  Otawa
u United States of America : Washington D.C
u Mexico :  Mexico D.F

South America:
u Colombia : Bogotá
u Venezuela: Caracas
u French Guyane : Cayenne
u Guyana: Georgetown
u Brazil: Brasilia
u Uruguay: Montevideo
u Argentina: Buenos Aires
u Chile: Santiago
u Paraguay: Asunción
u Bolivia: La Paz
u Peru: Lima
u Ecuador: Quito

Generalities of the Americas

Central America

u Guatemala: Guatemala
u Belice: Belmopan
u El Salvador: San Salvador
u Honduras: Tegucigalpa
u Nicaragua: Managua
u Costa Rica: San José
u Panama: Panama

Caribbean America: Cuba, The Bahamas, Jamaica; Haiti, Dominican Republic, Bristish Virgin, Anguilla, Guadalupe, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada and Grenadines, St.Vicent and Granadines , Dominica.
u Cuba :  Havana
u Bahamas: Nassau
u Jamaica: Kingston
u Haiti: Port au Prince
u Dominican Republic : Santo Domingo
u British Virgin: Road Town
u Anguilla :The  Valley
u Guadalupe: Baseterre
u Barbados: Bridgetown
u Trinidad and Tobago: Port of Spain
u Grenada y Grenadines: Saint George´s
u St. Vincent and Granadinas: Kingstwon
u Dominica: Roseau

Difference between America central and Central America
u Central America: There are the 5 countries :
        Guatemala, El Salvador
         Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica
u America Central: Continental mass with 7 countries:
        Belice, Nicaragua, Panama
         Costa Rica, El Salvador
        Honduras, Guatemala.

Generalities of the  Anglo America
u Language: English and French
u Economy: They have a good economy.
u Religion: Catholic and  others (  Protestants, Baptist…)

Generalities of Latin america:
u Language: Spanish and Portuguese
u Religion: Catolic and others protestants
u Economy: Some countries have a good economy but some others don´t have resources.

Videos made for us:
¨      America (Photos of countries)
¨      Landforms and landscape of Costa Rica (Rancho Redondo)

External Link:

Sources used to write the post:
  Bustos , J.(2011).  Social  Studies Seventh grade . Cartago: Saint Clare.
Links of the videos: