
u Geomorphology:  is concerned with the scientific study of landscapes and landforms on Earth's surface such as mountains, valleys and others, and the processes acting on them.

GEO                                      MORPH                           OLOGY

EARTH                                 FORM                                   THE SCIENCE OF

Difference between landscape and landform
 There are  visible features of an area of land:
1-      The physical elements of landforms such as (ice-capped) mountains, hills, water bodies such as rivers, lakes, ponds and the sea.
2-       Living elements of land cover including vegetation, human elements including different forms of land use, buildings and structures, and transitory elements such as lighting and weather conditions.
3-       Landscapes help define the self image of a region, its sense of place that differentiates it from other regions

Landform are a natural features of landscape, natural physical features of earth´s surfaces : valleys, mountains, hills, glaciers, plataus

Extragenic processes that form landscape

Extragenic :  processes produce landforms after outer space impacts such meteors.
u Impact structure  and could massive extinctions and craters

Endogenic processes that form landscape

u Endogenic processes: Processes that operate from  the earth.

u Diastrophism: Tectonics orogenesis and epierogenesis

u Orogenesis: Horizontal plate movement

u Epierogenesis: Vertical plates movement

u Volcanism: Intraplate hotspot activity (lava plateaus and volcanoes

Exogenic processes that form landscape

u Erosion : is  the breakdown of land around
u Hydrologic cycle and related fluvial processes
u Glaciation: is the formation,movement and recession of glaciers

u Waves
u Others erosion agentes: Wind and the activity of men

All This information was gather from Social Studies book.